Endurance – The Crew

Coaches: Samantha Read

The Distance Crew is for high school and university aged athletes. The Crew is made of middle distance and distance athletes interested in training and competing in Track and Field and Cross Country. In addition to their local school competitions, athletes will have the opportunity to compete provincially, nationally and in the United States.

The training year runs September to August. The group has ongoing registration throughout the year. In the fall the focus is on cross country. During the indoor season athletes will compete in the full slate of events from the 400m up to the 5000m as well as the steeplechase in the outdoor season. Athletes training schedule is flexible based on needs, but the group meets up to five days a week.


The registration fees for the 2022-2023 are $1150.00. The payments may be broken up into two installments due November and April. Our registration fees are prorated monthly.

Go to Registration Page


Cross Country – Fall 2024 – Starts August 26

Monday Canmore Park 5:30-7:00pm
Tuesday Confederation Park 5:30-7:00pm
Thursday N. Glenmore Park or Yoga 5:30-7:00pm
Friday Sandy Beach (near Glenmore Athletic Track) or Pool Run 5:30-7:00pm
Saturday Glenmore Track 9:30-10:45am

Indoor Season

Monday Oval 5:00-7:00pm
Tuesday Oval (Weights – Location & Time TBD) 5:00-7:00pm
Thursday Oval 5:00-7:00pm
Friday Oval (Weights – Location & Time TBD) 5:00-7:00pm
Saturday Meet at Angel’s Cafe 9:30-10:45am

Outdoor Season

Monday Foothills Track – Weights 5:00-7:00pm
Tuesday Foothills Track – Weights 5:00-7:00pm
Thursday Foothills Track 5:00-7:00pm
Friday Glenmore Track 5:00-7:00pm
Saturday Glenmore Track 9:30-10:45am


Caltaf does have a volunteer requirement. Each family is expected to volunteer/officiate at the Caltaf Track Classic (in June) and one other meet of their choice. If the volunteer requirement is not met a $300.00 fee is charged on June 30. Note that we are very strict with respect to the fulfillment of the volunteer requirement.

Track and Field is one of the lowest cost sports in the city, but like almost every other sport in Calgary we depend on our volunteers to help run the organization and the events. Unfortunately, we have found it necessary to charge a volunteer fee if the time that we ask people to volunteer is not met. Our preference is not to charge people as the main goal is to have enough volunteers participating in the Club, so we do not have to hire outside people to help run the Caltaf Track Classic and subsequently be forced to increase our fees.  

If you have more questions, please contact the Caltaf office and we will be happy to help.  We encourage athletes to come out to our training session for a one-week free trial to ensure that the group, coaches, and training is a good fit.  If you are interested, please contact the Caltaf office, we will provide that information to you.