Did you know…
Fulfilling your annual CALTAF officiating commitments can help you become a graded track and field official!
Every time you volunteer in an officiating position at an Alberta track meet you can record it on an Athletics Alberta officials Record Card, have it signed by the official in charge of that event and send it to Athletics Alberta. With this recorded volunteer experience and attendance at an official’s clinic you can become a graded official.
CALTAF believes that as a track and field club we have a responsibility to the Alberta track community to recruit new officials in order to ensure that Alberta hosts top quality track and field meets. CALTAF’s yearly goal is to recruit at least 5 new graded officials every year.
To begin the process of becoming an official:
- Pickup an officials record card (contact Carol Byler at 932-1928 or bylerdww@telusplanet.net)
- Volunteer as an official and have your card signed by the official in charge of that event at various Alberta track and field meets
- Attend Officials clinics, usually one per level (dates listed below)
- Submit record cards (submission dates listed below)
Clinic dates:
There are 5 levels of officials. The beginner’s clinic needed to reach Level 1 is currently scheduled for October. Clinics for Levels 3 & 4 are held on an as required non-scheduled basis as officials progress through the upgrading program.
Visit the Training section on the Athletics Alberta Officials Website for more information about clinic dates.
Record Card submission dates:
Upgrading reviews take place each May and September so Record Cards must be submitted by these dates. To be considered for upgrading for grade levels I – III, you must forward your Athletics Alberta Officials Meet Record Card(s) to:
Athletics Alberta 11759 Groat Road Edmonton, Alberta T5M 3K6
A new card will be forwarded to you as confirmation the office has received your card.
Visit the Official Grading section on the Athletics Alberta Officials Website for more information.
For more information about becoming an official contact Carol Byler (932-1928 or bylerdww@telusplanet.net) or visit the Athletics Alberta Officials web site (https://athleticsalberta.com/officials-copy/).