Code of Conduct and Athlete Safety

To CALTAF Membership:

On behalf of the CALTAF Board and Paula McKenzie (CALTAF Club Director), we feel it is appropriate to communicate to our membership on the topic of Code of Conduct, specifically athlete safety.  As Board members and the Club Director, we are committed to providing a safe and respectful environment for our athletes, coaches, staff, volunteers and parents. With recent news of alleged abuse at the University of Guelph Track and Field Team (Link) and the abuse at the Ottawa Lions Track and Field Club (Link) as two examples of abhorrent and inexcusable behavior, we deemed it responsible to reach out to the membership on the matter of safety and respect.  These stories, and other related stories from a wide variety of sports, remind us to be vigilant to ensure that safe and respectful environments are created and maintained.

Currently our policies related to this topic state that CALTAF endorses the Athletics Alberta Code of Conduct and Ethics.  In the coming months the Board of CALTAF will be reviewing the adequacy of this with a mind to improve our long-standing documentation and provide training (as applicable) and communication to increase the visibility of its long-standing commitment to a safe and respectful environment for all.   Although we have no reason to believe there are currently issues at CALTAF, we want to ensure this remains that way, and ensure we are properly equipped to handle issues in the unlikely event they arise.

If you have any questions, concerns or comments regarding the above matter, please contact the CALTAF Office at:  or Paula at: 403.686.6011